Modern Slavery Statement

This Modern Slavery Statement (Statement) expresses the commitment of DingGo AU Pty Ltd (DingGo) to limiting the risk of modern slavery occurring in its business, and promoting transparency in its approach to addressing the risk of modern slavery in its supply chain.


DingGo is not required to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). However, as a values based company DingGo is strongly opposed to any form of practice that might constitute modern slavery, whether in its own business or the businesses of its suppliers.

For the purposes of this Statement, ‘modern slavery’ includes the following practices:

DingGo’s business

DingGo is an Australian technology company that operates a digital platform offering:

DingGo operates its business in Australia and New Zealand and employs workers in Australia to support those operations. DingGo’s Australian employees are engaged on terms that it believes are reflective of and commensurate with employment conditions and practices of comparable Australian businesses.

DingGo’s supply chain

DingGo’s business engages a range of suppliers in Australia and New Zealand. DingGo believes these suppliers have a lower risk of modern slavery occurring within their businesses or supply chains, as:

DingGo’s governance framework

DingGo expects its suppliers to share its commitments in relation to modern slavery as expressed in this Statement.

That expectation is reflected in the following measures that DingGo is in the process of implementing:

Shaun Janks